Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Follow Up Letterand No Reply Follow Up?

Follow up? - follow up letterand no reply

I just had a phone conversation with the attitude of the sales manager that I needed. We have been in a phone interview, face to face, I met another senior sales, spoke by phone with other senior sales and eventually took a final phone interview with the Settings Manager. The conversation was very good, but between me and another candidate. The last interview was conducted to help ensure that your decision. I want my tracking skills and, as I'm the right candidate? Should be, let me know your decision tonight or tomorrow.


jpr30200... said...

I would not. She'd give great happiness in all the interviews to their qualifications. A process that seems boring to me, if I were him.

The only observation that it would be nice if my opinion would be a thank you note via e-mail, such as:

Thank you for taking the time to discuss the position with me XXX. I look forward to hearing from you. If it does not give further information that can about my qualifications, please let me know.

Kengem said...

You apply for a stall. What distinguishes a person from another sale? Monitoring. Yes surveillance. Try not to be aggressive. Use words such as "you" his "team" instead of "I", "me" and "me". Good luck!

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