Sunday, February 14, 2010

Mrsa In Singapore How Would It Be To Have A Cancer Therapy And Be Infected With Mrsa?

How would it be to have a cancer therapy and be infected with mrsa? - mrsa in singapore

Hello everyone,
I just something on the news about a man who has cancer and has been infected by MRSA.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you have cancer you get a cemotherapy with Medcine and radiation. The radiation destroys the immune system.
Once infected with MRSA, he sounds really terrible for me, because bacteria such as MRSA is completely irresistible, is not it?
Am I wrong? This will happen if such a thing?
Thanks in advance


Panda said...

Unfortunately for cancer patients, especially those with advanced disease, the hospital May in fact a dangerous place. I know that cancer patients had one (of them no evidence of disease), who managed to MRSA and died. It is dying a very bitter feeling that the control of cancer on only one other disease. But everything is part of a cancer. . Cancer is life threatening and not always the cancer can kill. Most of the cancer hospitals are well aware of this danger and isolated, single (have some room to protect patients, while other parts are there to protect other patients from the patient).

Nurse For 20 Years said...

MRSA is a serious infection and would be even worse and more dangerous in a person receiving chemotherapy. The resistance to infection and their ability to fight a situation are very exhausted by chemotherapy and would be even more difficult for them to get rid of, even with recent antibiotics. We can not assume that it aggressively to someone in this situation as anyone else.
MRSA is not completely curable, but very persistent and even fatal in some cases.

sunflowe... said...

MRSA Yeah, basically, because he is diabetic, which dropped loves the immune system so that the kind of cancer ...

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